Yeabsera Genene BuneFull Stack Developer
React / React Native90%
Typescript + ESLint92%
Tailwind UI / Material UI99%
MongoDB / Postgres99%
NestJS / GraphQL99%
Extra Skills
Microservice Development (RabbitMQ / Molecular)
Rust / Go
I'm Yeabsera Genene
I'm YeabseraGenene
Full StackDeveloper
Here you can find a the realm of Full Stack Development and its head lord Yeabsera himself. I have one simple rule and motto I follow when I work. "All parts should go together without forcing. You must remember that the parts you are reassembling were disassembled by you. Therefore, if you can’t get them together again, there must be a reason. By all means, do not use a hammer".
My ServicesHere are my technical specialties and services I can provide to my clients
Web DevelopmentBlog, E-Commerce
API DevelopmentRESTAPI, GraphQL
App DevelopmentReact Native, Expo
DevOps ExpertKubernetes, AWS
UI/UX DesignMobile App, Web Design
Testing & DocumentationSnapshop, End-to-End Testing
RecommendationsTestimonials from impressed customers regarding developed software products, websites and apps.
Great Spirit & Amazing QualityIt is my pleasure to recommend Yeabsera for employment with your organization. I have known him for over two years, during which time he worked as a developer in my office. I have been consistently impressed with Yeabsera's attitude and productivity during the time that he has worked in the office
Dawit AbrahamCEO of Qene Technologies
Exquisite Team Leader and engineer with extreme vigorYeabsera has excellent communication skills. In addition, he is extremely organized, reliable, and delivers in a timely manner. He can work independently and is able to follow through to ensure that the job gets done. He is flexible and willing to work on any project that is assigned to him. Yeabsera was quick to volunteer to assist in other areas of company operations, as well
Yelekal MengistuCo-Founder at iWork Technologies
Total Dedication and hard working spiritYeabsera is a motivated employee and an excellent leader. Although he was an associate in my department, he took the initiative to mentor new hires and set a positive example for the team. I can enthusiastically recommend him for a developer position.
Emmanuel BonkeCTO of FleetSimplify
EducationReceived Degree Certificates and other training courses taken
Addis Ababa Science & Technology University
Sept 2017 - Sept 2021
Sept 2017Sept 2021
BSc Software EngineeringMajored in Software engineering with a 3.66 GPA. Graduated at the top of my class and took extra AP classes like Networking, Cryptography and security.
Arden University
Sept 2022 - PRESENT
Sept 2022PRESENT
MSc IT Security ManagementStudying in Berlin at Arden University. Mainly focused on cyber security and several security algorithm and practices.
Work History
Fleet Simplify
Full Time
Feb 2021 - PRESENT
Full Stack EngineerResponsible for managing engineering and developing scalable fleet management apps and websites. Creating immersive schemas, developing API models. Handling DevOps (deployment, storage, replication, load balancing) in AWS and Google Cloud Create and Design new pages for Fleet Management User or Admin Panel Responsible for Website and Application API Integration Designing and Maintaining Several Microservices on Fleet Management Projects Handle Deployment and setup CI/CD workflows
iWork Technologies
Full Time
Feb 2020 - Jan 2021
Feb 2020Jan 2021
Lead DeveloperResponsible for managing ERP projects and developing loosely coupled systems Plan and design workflow for ERP Sub Modules. Assign Engineers and Oversee Code Reviews for every task Develop wholly-independent ERP Modules Oversee and Integrate website and applications Develop API models and setup CRUP operations Handle Deployment and setup CI/CD workflows Prepare capstone document, conduct alpha and beta tests and manage software releases
Qene Technologies
Full Time
Nov 2017 - Dec 2019
Nov 2017Dec 2019
Backend DeveloperResponsible for making APIs and making socket connections for modules made in a game Handle several API queries and process them through several instances Design and develop system requirements and perform system analysis Create scalable APIs for several applications Create User tracking CRUD operations to build user metadata
PortfolioHere are some of the projects that I've built in the past that span various type of categories
All CategoriesApplicationsEntire SystemsWebsites
Fleet Management system based in kenya that has an entire role-based system
Sparta ERP
Loosely coupled several ERP moduled, running as a SaaS for each client
Afro Tender Website
Tender website where users can subscribe to tender news letters and bid on several documents
Internalized and centralized hospital website and application that has an entire role based system
A delivery application and website that has both driver and customer applications and websites
Room sharing application based in Addis Ababa.
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Steet:Dubliner Street 23
PO Box:13349